Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Mia's Projects

Young Generation in Globalization Era
By : Mia Esta Poetri Afdal Faisal

The honorable juries, teachers, participants, and all of the audience,

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let us say Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin to the almighty Allah SWT, let us send our sallam and shalawat to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW. My name is Mia Esta Poetri A. F. and I come from Junior High School 4 Bandar Lampung. Before I deliver my speech, I would like to say thank you very much to the MC who has given me chance to join this English speech contest. On this great occasion, I would like to deliver my speech which entitled :

Young Generation in Globalization Era

When we talk about youngsters, we even watch the great role of youth participation in developing, improving, and supporting the development of nation. They are the hope of nation who will carry out the struggle to make a brighter future for the country. The youth supposedly symbolize the force that never become weak quickly. For this reason, first president of Indonesia Mr. Soekarno has once said : “Give me ten youths that would shake the world”. From this statement we can conclude that Mr. Soekarno respected the young people more than the old. Why ? Because they play significant roles and have great energy that can be prided.

Because of that, the youth problems are very important. So during the adult time, young generation have to realize the transition in globalization Era. If the youth have a strong spirit and are influence by the areas that don’t have religius environment, the spirit will be down and may focus on something bad. Therefore, the youth should have an attention, direction and guidance to provide good human resource in this globalization Era.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let’s talk about problems of young generation. Today, no matter where we go, the most serious social problem is the moral problem of the younger generation. We must solve and overcome this. The problem of students or people in their teens and twentiest, is very serious. When they protest, the nation is confused. When the younger generation demonstrates, the whole nation shakes. Demonstrations and subversive activities started by young people are taking place everywhere.

Youth is mostly effected by this exploitation of information media.  Our TV media is playing a big role in this context, because mostly programs shown are bad scenes and their purpose is just to attract the youth. When we feed young minds with this type of information, they will clearly be treated in such activities that make them restless.

Next, we are going away from natural life styles and are adopting those samples of lives that forced by the society. Parents are also responsible of all this tragedy with young generation. If parents give good attention to their children, especially at the young age, then all these problems can be resolved.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Our hope for the youth as Indonesian human resource are should fill this time with moral activities, skills and also with useful science to develop the human resource and to improve our nation development.  For the youth in provide the useful human resource in this globalization Era, we should make ourselves more near to the religion, sciences, skills and attachment to the God.

Hope we can be a strong, creative and useful human resource in this society, nation and world.

I think that’s all about my speech,
I hope my brief description will be usefull for us,
Thank you for listening and attention, good morning, and

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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